
Hip Hop Harem Pants

The night before I was leaving for vacation, I saw a testing call for the LittleKiwisCloset Hip Hop Harem Pants and I had to sign up even though I had lots of packing to do! That’s because LittleKiwisCloset patterns are always insanely awesome! They are for sure some of my favorites! Her directions are so nicely written and the fit and design is always flawless for me! These pants were no different! I am in love with these pants!! Here is the link to the pattern http://www.craftsy.com/pattern/sewing/clothing/hip-hop-harem-pants-pdf–0-6yrs/104128. I tested these Hip Hop Harem Pants in size 18 months for little Lucy (21 months).



The patch on the Heiny was just something I added, and is just an Appliqué. The instructions have a spot for adding an Appliqué and this is the shape I came up with! I also added the drawstring. I added actual buttonholes to the waistband, but the drawstring itself is faux. I was afraid adding a real drawstring would affect the fit and didn’t want to do that in testing. This pattern is especially awesome for a few reasons. First, they are super duper easy to make because there is only 1 main pattern piece plus cuffs and waistband! Also, the fit is very easy, so even though they look like they are a perfect fit, there is actually lots of room to grow…I think she’ll be wearing these for a long time! Also, they don’t have a super low crotch like some Harem pants, which appeals to me because I’m not a huge fan of the super low Harem pants!

Here are some more pics…








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